Introducing SABRE Fleet Management Software

  • Eliminate and automate tedious, non-value added, and error-prone work simulating a fleet of aircraft
  • Allows clients and our subject matter experts to iterate and make better data-driven decisions faster compared to waiting days or weeks using traditional spreadsheets
  • Secure cloud-based software and platform accessible anywhere, anytime with new features, upgrades, and enhancements daily

We equip our subject matter experts with secure and intuitive cloud-based fleet simulation and modeling applications and automated data feeds to help them determine how schedule changes and conditions impact an aircraft’s maintenance and availability and how those changes impact the rest of the fleet.

Our SABRE application eliminates and automates tedious, non-value-added, and error-prone work for our subject matter experts and clients. Changes to an aircraft’s maintenance schedule or planning assumptions can take weeks to process and analyze in spreadsheets. SABRE processes and analyzes these changes in milliseconds.

This allows our clients and subject matter experts to iterate instantaneously to make data-driven decisions and recommendations faster and better and provide a truly common operating picture for an entire fleet for stakeholders. We provide SABRE to our subject matter experts to help them deliver the best possible service at minimal cost to our clients.

We support SABRE’s continued development based on the needs of our clients and subject matter experts as a part of our overall service. SABRE is a cloud-based application programming interface (API) and application accessible with any standard browser. We designed SABRE from the ground up with the latest security, authentication, compliance, and encryption standards and best practices in mind.

SABRE leverages memory-safe programming languages (e.g., Go and Rust) and automated continuous integration/continuous deployment and testing pipelines to ensure your data remains safe, secure, and accessible wherever and whenever needed. SABRE is portable to any government or commercial cloud service provider depending on our client’s needs and requirements.


  • Predictive Analysis: We enable the transition from reactive fleet management to proactive, predictive management.
  • User Adaptability: Our contractor Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) use our advanced software tools, adapting to user needs on demand at no extra cost.
  • Data-Centric Approach: The complexity of modern military aviation asset management necessitates a data-centric strategy.
  • Synergized Maintenance Scheduling: Maintenance inspections are scheduled in harmony with operational demands.
  • Efficient Aircraft Employment: Decisions on aircraft employment are optimized based on a comprehensive inventory overview.
  • Holistic Planning and Management: We offer integrated planning and management that considers operational fleet demands, logistics, procurement, and fiscal requirements.